In line with the advice from the Australian Government, Martin Bullock Lawyers is now working remotely. Our teams remain available by phone, email, or video conference. We are continuing to service … [Read more...]
Reducing family violence – A step in the right direction!
New laws in Western Australia announced last month have been described as the most comprehensive family violence law reforms the state has ever seen. The reforms exist of legislative changes to … [Read more...]
Another Attack on our Humanity – Repeal of the Medevac Laws
On 3 December 2019, the 47th anniversary of the election of the Whitlam government, the current Australian government took another step down the path of removing rights for asylum seekers. The … [Read more...]
Hands Off – Mobile Phone Detection Rolls Out!
As of 1 December 2019, mobile phone detection cameras rolled out across New South Wales. The aim of the system is to reduce the number of fatalities on NSW roads by a third over two years. The … [Read more...]