Multiple recent allegations in federal parliament clearly display a toxic workplace culture. Earlier this year, allegations were published that Brittany Higgins, a staffer at Parliament House, was … [Read more...]
Why the Rule of Law is Important to Preserve Democracy
We have just witnessed one of the great elections of the 21st century, and certainly one of the most important. Whatever your political persuasion, we live in a democracy, and democracy is a better … [Read more...]
How Employers Should Deal With Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Have a read of our blog examining the stages of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and discussing the different responses from governments and from the public. Also have a read of our blog … [Read more...]
Don’t write your Will on a napkin! See a professional!
We have previously written Wills & Estates blogs discussing the requirements for a valid Will, and the issue of Informal Wills. Now, let's have a look at a recent case in Canada where a man … [Read more...]
Heed the warning. COVID-19 will spread.
A man from Italy has recently made a series of Twitter posts listing the stages Italy has gone through in its reaction to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and discussing the attitudes that everyday people … [Read more...]
Aboriginal Australians are not legal ‘aliens’, the High Court rules
The High Court has now come to a decision in relation to two current High Court cases which asked the question: "Can Australian Aboriginal people be considered ‘aliens’ under the … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Claims
Abusive parents are using the Family Law system in order to gain access to their children, by making what is known as “Parental Alienation” claims. Parental Alienation is defined as the deliberate … [Read more...]
Australia Day or Invasion Day? Be tolerant. Be kind.
Many people regard January 26 as sacrosanct, a day when we celebrate Australian unity. However, many people also recognise January 26 as Invasion Day, and it has become a day of mourning for … [Read more...]
Can Indigenous Australian peoples be legal ‘aliens’? The High Court decides.
Love v Commonwealth of Australia (B43/2018) and Thoms v Commonwealth of Australia (B64/2018) are currently before the High Court. These cases, distinct but posing the same questions, could be as … [Read more...]
Climate Justice: Changing law in our changing climate
How does climate change affect our laws? Let's discuss. We know that the vast majority of climate scientists say that climate change is real, and that it is caused by human activity. The earth … [Read more...]