A recent article in the Law Society Journal looked at some famous Australian cases involving celebrities, sports people, politicians and so on, who have had their Wills contested before the courts.
If you are a bit of a voyeur then you might like to read the following link and see how some of the different cases have been dealt with by the courts.
These high-profile Australians have had public stouches in the courts involving their Estates, and these can tear families apart.

So what can we learn from these high-profile cases?
Our principal Greg Martin, an experienced Wills & Estates lawyer, says:
“These cases display a number of lessons for people drafting for potential beneficiaries. The most important is that you must make sure that you provide adequate provision for these beneficiaries.
The second consideration is to recognise that people cope with loss differently. If any of your children have been caring for you, then perhaps you should look at some form of gratitude payment within the Will. But remember, your other children or potential claimants may dispute this.
Thirdly, legal education is important. Many universities don’t teach Wills & Estates anymore. It’s important that you find a lawyer who knows exactly what they are doing and can advise you about Wills & Estates.
Making these choices is hard, but in the long run, it will save your Estate thousands of dollars and you personally lots of stress and angst.
Greg also reminds people about what can happen with Estates and elder abuse, a hidden form of abuse where children may take advantage of the family context, but that is a discussion for another blog.
If you have any enquiries regarding Wills & Estates, contesting wills, or drafting a Will, Power of Attorney or Appointment of Enduring Guardian, then give Greg Martin or Jacqueline Wainwright a call on 9687 9322.