Love v Commonwealth of Australia (B43/2018) and Thoms v Commonwealth of Australia (B64/2018) are currently before the High Court. These cases, distinct but posing the same questions, could be as … [Read more...]
Post-Mortem Sperm Donation
The Australian High Court recently handed down judgment in Masson v Parsons & Ors, where a sperm donor was found to be a child’s legal father. In the United States, a New York court rules on … [Read more...]
Sperm Donation and Legal Parenthood: The High Court decides Masson v Parsons & Ors
Back in April, we reported on Masson v Parsons & Ors, a sperm donor case before the Australian High Court. The Facts Susan and Margaret Parsons, a lesbian couple, conceived a child by artificial … [Read more...]
Sperm Donation and Legal Parenthood: The High Court considers Masson v Parsons & Ors
Soon the High Court of Australia will hand down a Judgment in Masson v Parsons & Ors, a case addressing sperm donation and legal parentage. Susan and Margaret Parsons, a lesbian couple, … [Read more...]
What to do if you’ve been left out of a Will
We often don’t talk about it with our parents or step-parents, but we tend to make assumptions about what is in a Will. This is particularly true of blended families. So, what do you do if your … [Read more...]
Lord of the Rings: Can you use the Family Law Act to avoid paying tax?
Does a wedding ring entitle you to avoid paying tax? A recent decision by Australia’s High Court has affirmed the powers of the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court under section 90AE(1) of the … [Read more...]