The Australian High Court recently handed down judgment in Masson v Parsons & Ors, where a sperm donor was found to be a child’s legal father. In the United States, a New York court rules on … [Read more...]
Sperm Donation and Legal Parenthood: The High Court decides Masson v Parsons & Ors
Back in April, we reported on Masson v Parsons & Ors, a sperm donor case before the Australian High Court. The Facts Susan and Margaret Parsons, a lesbian couple, conceived a child by artificial … [Read more...]
Sperm Donation and Legal Parenthood: The High Court considers Masson v Parsons & Ors
Soon the High Court of Australia will hand down a Judgment in Masson v Parsons & Ors, a case addressing sperm donation and legal parentage. Susan and Margaret Parsons, a lesbian couple, … [Read more...]