Christmas is a special time of the year, when millions of people around the world celebrate in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways. However, it is also a very easy time to fall afoul of the law.
Read this College of Law article about some of the strangest laws still on the books.
Here are some of the wackiest Christmas-related laws:
- In Western Australia, a 1979 law makes it is illegal to partake in “public entertainment or amusement” for profit on Christmas Day.
- In Philadelphia, USA, a 1978 law bans Christmas trees in apartment blocks or townhouses with more than three dwellings.
- Since 2013, the right of Texan school students to say “Merry Christmas” has been protected by law.
- In 1650s England, fruit mince pies and other festivities were made illegal on Christmas Day.
Many people love to celebrate Christmas lights, decorations, music and festivities. Other people prefer peace and quiet during the holidays, and struggle to relax when their neighbours are trying to light up the whole street.
If you’ve ever dreamt of getting your neighbour’s Christmas party shut down, read this article. It explains how and where Christmas lights, decorations and music can be used.
Perhaps this Christmas you can finally be the Grinch you’ve always wanted to be.